Kenny Tay , CEO, Singapore Digital Chamber Of Commerce
Kenny Tay is a contributor in the digital industry, serving as an executive in various organizations and leading the way in innovative technology solutions. He is the CEO of the Singapore Digital Chamber of Commerce (SGDCC), where he plays a vital role in managing strategic matters, government agency communications, corporate programs, and activities. Additionally, Kenny Tay holds an executive position within the International Digital Chamber of Commerce, based in the USA, where he actively assists in establishing and managing Chamber of Commerce entities in Southeast Asia region.
In addition to his involvement in these chambers, Kenny Tay is recognized as the founder of AI49 International and Talkbot International, a pioneering company specializing in Generative AI solutions. Headquartered in Singapore, both companies has expanded its operations to multiple countries, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Australia. Through his leadership and expertise, Kenny has contributed significantly to the growth and success of educating individual and companies rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence and technologies.
Additional to his profile, he had held various positions in the following organization in the past:
1) District Chairman of Singapore Lions Club
2) Honorary Chairman for Singapore Transport Association
3) Vice-Chairman of Entrepreneur’s Club (Singapore)
4) Board Member of Entrepreneur Co-Operative Limited